1 by its very nature
Математика: в силу самой своей природы -
2 by its very nature
• už od přírody -
3 nature
A n1 ( the natural world) nature f ; in nature dans la nature ; the laws/wonders of nature les lois fpl/les merveilles fpl de la nature ; it's nature's way of doing sth c'est la façon dont la nature fait qch ; let nature take its course laissez faire la nature ; contrary to nature, against nature contre nature ; nature versus nurture l'inné et l'acquis, la nature opposée à la culture ; to obey a call of nature euph aller se soulager ○ ; to go back to ou return to nature retourner à la nature ; state of nature Philos état m de nature ; to paint from nature peindre d'après nature ; one of nature's gentlemen un gentleman né ;2 (character, temperament) nature f, naturel m ; by nature de or par nature ; it's not in her nature to be aggressive elle n'est pas agressive de nature ; he has a very loving nature il est très affectueux par nature or de nature ; it is in the nature of animals to kill c'est dans la nature des animaux de tuer ;3 (kind, sort) nature f, sorte f ; what is the nature of the problem? quelle est la nature du problème? ; nothing of that nature ever happened here il ne s'est jamais rien produit de cette nature ici ; matters of a personal/medical nature des choses d'ordre personnel/médical ; of a serious nature d'une nature grave ; her letter was something in the nature of a confession sa lettre tenait de la confession ; ‘nature of contents’ Post ‘désignation du contenu’ ;4 ( essential character) nature f, essence f ; it is in the nature of things il est dans l'ordre des choses ; dangerous by its very nature dangereux/-euse de par sa nature même.nature abhors a vacuum la nature a horreur du vide. -
4 nature
nature ['neɪtʃə(r)](a) (the natural world) nature f;∎ Nature can be cruel la nature peut être cruelle;∎ the wildest landscapes in nature les paysages les plus sauvages que la nature puisse offrir;∎ to go back or to return to nature retourner à la nature;∎ in a state of nature à l'état de nature; humorous (naked → man) en costume d'Adam; (→ woman) en costume d'Ève;∎ the nature-nurture debate le débat sur l'inné et l'acquis;∎ to let nature take its course laisser faire la nature;∎ to draw/paint from nature dessiner/peindre d'après nature;∎ to go against nature aller contre la nature;∎ one of nature's gentlemen un gentleman-né(b) (character) nature f, caractère m;∎ he has such a kind nature il a une si bonne nature ou un si bon caractère;∎ it's not in her nature to struggle ce n'est pas dans sa nature de lutter;∎ lazy by nature paresseux de nature;∎ to appeal to sb's better nature faire appel aux bons sentiments de qn;∎ it's in the nature of volcanoes to erupt il est dans la nature des volcans d'entrer en éruption;∎ human beings are by nature gregarious l'homme est, par nature, un être sociable;∎ war is by its very nature destructive la guerre est destructrice de par sa nature même;∎ in the nature of things dans la nature des choses∎ books of a serious nature des livres sérieux;∎ an incident of a serious nature un incident grave;∎ questions of a personal nature des questions à caractère personnel;∎ do you sell chocolates or anything of that nature? est-ce que vous vendez des chocolats ou ce genre de choses?;∎ something in the nature of a… une espèce ou une sorte de…;∎ Administration nature of contents (on parcel) désignation du contenu►► the Nature Conservancy Council = organisme britannique de protection de la nature;nature cure naturopathie f, naturothérapie f;∎ to go on a nature cure suivre une naturothérapie;nature lover amoureux(euse) m,f de la nature;Australian nature strip bande f d'herbe;School nature study sciences fpl naturelles, histoire f naturelle;nature trail sentier m écologique -
5 very
1 adverb(a) (with adj or adv) très, bien;∎ it was very pleasant c'était très ou bien agréable;∎ was the pizza good? - very/not very la pizza était-elle bonne? - très/pas très;∎ I'm not very impressed with the results je ne suis pas très ou tellement impressionné par les résultats;∎ be very careful faites très ou bien attention;∎ he was very hungry/thirsty il avait très faim/soif;∎ I very nearly fell j'ai bien failli tomber;∎ very few/little très peu;∎ so very little si peu;∎ there were very few of them (people) ils étaient très peu nombreux; (objets) il y en avait très peu;∎ he takes very little interest in what goes on il s'intéresse très peu à ce qui se passe;∎ there's very little one can do to help on ne peut pas faire grand-chose pour aider;∎ there weren't very many people il n'y avait pas beaucoup de gens, il n'y avait pas grand monde;∎ it isn't so very difficult ce n'est pas tellement difficile, ce n'est pas si difficile que ça;∎ very good!, very well! (expressing agreement, consent) très bien!;∎ you can't very well ask outright tu ne peux pas vraiment demander directement;∎ that's all very well but… tout ça, c'est très bien mais…∎ our very best wine notre meilleur vin;∎ the very best of friends les meilleurs amis du monde;∎ it's the very worst thing that could have happened c'est bien ce qui pouvait arriver de pire;∎ the very latest designs les créations les plus récentes;∎ at the very latest au plus tard;∎ at the very least/most tout au moins/plus;∎ the very first/last person la (toute) première/dernière personne;∎ the very next day le lendemain même, dès le lendemain;∎ the very next person I met was his brother la première personne que j'ai rencontrée était son frère;∎ we'll stop at the very next town nous nous arrêterons à la prochaine ville;∎ it's nice to have your very own car or a car of your very own c'est agréable d'avoir sa voiture à soi;∎ it's my very own c'est à moi;∎ the very same day le jour même;∎ on the very same date exactement à la même date;∎ Religion the Very Reverend Alan Scott le très révérend Alan Scott(a) (extreme, far)∎ at the very beginning au tout début;∎ at the very back tout au fond;∎ at the very top/bottom of the page tout en haut/en bas de la page;∎ at the very bottom of the sea au plus profond de la mer∎ at that very moment juste à ce moment-là;∎ the very man I need juste l'homme qu'il me faut;∎ those were his very words ce sont ses propos mêmes, c'est exactement ce qu'il a dit;∎ this is the very room where they were murdered c'est dans cette pièce même qu'ils ont été tués;∎ it was a year ago to the very day c'était il y a un an jour pour jour;∎ by its very nature par sa nature même∎ the very idea! quelle idée!;∎ the very thought of it makes me shiver je frissonne rien que d'y penser;∎ it happened before my very eyes cela s'est passé sous mes yeux;∎ archaic the veriest trifle la moindre petite chose;∎ archaic the veriest fool could do it le premier imbécile venu pourrait le faire1 adverb∎ I like French cinema very much j'aime beaucoup le cinéma français;∎ I very much hope to be able to come j'espère bien que je pourrai venir;∎ very much better/bigger beaucoup mieux/plus grand;∎ unless I'm very much mistaken à moins que je ne me trompe;∎ were you impressed? - very much so ça vous a impressionné? - beaucoup∎ the situation remains very much the same la situation n'a guère évolué;∎ it's very much a question of who to believe la question est surtout de savoir qui on doit croirebeaucoup de;∎ there wasn't very much wine il n'y avait pas beaucoup de vin3 pronounbeaucoup;∎ she doesn't say very much elle parle peu, elle ne dit pas grand-chose►► very high frequency très haute fréquence f, (gamme f des) ondes fpl métriques;very low frequency très basse fréquence f -
6 nature
noun1) Natur, die2) (essential qualities) Beschaffenheit, diethings of this nature — derartiges; Dinge dieser Art
it's in the nature of a command — es hat Befehlscharakter
be of or have a placid nature — eine ruhige Art haben
it is not in her nature to lie — es ist nicht ihre Art zu lügen
it's only human nature to... — es ist nur menschlich,... zu...
* * *['nei ə]1) (the physical world, eg trees, plants, animals, mountains, rivers etc, or the power which made them: the beauty of nature; the forces of nature; the study of nature.) die Natur2) (the qualities born in a person; personality: She has a generous nature.) die Natur4) (a kind, type etc: bankers and other people of that nature.) die Art•- academic.ru/49186/-natured">-natured- in the nature of* * *na·ture[ˈneɪtʃəʳ, AM -ɚ]to get [or go] back to \nature zu einer natürlichen Lebensweise zurückkehrenin \nature in der Naturto let \nature [or allow \nature to] take its course der Natur ihren Lauf lassenthe laws of \nature die Gesetze der Naturwhat is the \nature of your problem? worum handelt es sich bei Ihrem Problem?it's the \nature of linen to crumple easily Leinen knittert von Natur aus leichtI have a problem of a rather delicate \nature ich habe da ein ziemlich heikles Problemthe \nature of a crime/an event/the punishment die Art eines Verbrechens/Ereignisses/einer Strafethings of this \nature Dinge dieser Artit's in the \nature of things das liegt in der Natur der Sacheby \nature von Natur aussb's better \nature das Gute in jdmto be in sb's \nature jds Art seinit's not really in her \nature to be aggressive es ist eigentlich nicht ihre Art, aggressiv zu sein4.▶ it's the \nature of the beast das liegt in der Natur der Sache\nature's calling die Natur ruft* * *['neɪtʃə(r)]n1) Natur fagainst nature —
in a state of nature ( = uncivilized inf : = naked ) to return to nature (person) (garden) —, inf : = naked ) im Naturzustand to return to nature (person) zur Natur zurückkehren (garden) in den Naturzustand zurückkehren
nature calls (euph) — ich muss mal (inf)
it is not in my nature to say things like that — es entspricht nicht meiner Art or meinem Wesen, so etwas zu sagen
it is in the nature of young people to want to travel — es liegt im Wesen junger Menschen, reisen zu wollen
cautious by nature — von Natur aus vorsichtig
the nature of the case is such... — der Fall liegt so...
cash is, by its (very) nature, easy to steal — Geld ist aufgrund seiner Beschaffenheit leicht zu stehlen
something in the nature of an apology — so etwas wie eine Entschuldigung
... or something of that nature —... oder etwas in der Art
* * *nature [ˈneıtʃə(r)] s1. allg Natur f:a) Schöpfung f, Weltall nc) natürliche Landschaft:the beauty of nature die Schönheit der Naturd) Naturzustand m:back to nature zurück zur Natur;e) Konstitution f (des Menschen etc):f) Wirklichkeit f:2. Natur f:a) Charakter m, (Eigen)Art f, Wesen n, Veranlagung f:by nature von Natur (aus);b) (Gemüts)Art f, Naturell n, Wesen n:of good nature gutherzig, -mütigc) koll natürliche Triebe pl oder Instinkte pl3. Art f, Sorte f:he’s an engineer or sth of that nature er ist Ingenieur od so etwas Ähnliches;things of this nature Dinge dieser Art;of a business nature geschäftlicher Art;of a grave nature ernster Natur;it is in the nature of things es liegt in der Natur der Sache4. (natürliche) Beschaffenheit:* * *noun1) Natur, die2) (essential qualities) Beschaffenheit, die3) (kind, sort) Art, diethings of this nature — derartiges; Dinge dieser Art
be of or have a placid nature — eine ruhige Art haben
it's only human nature to... — es ist nur menschlich,... zu...
* * *n.Beschaffenheit f.Charakter m.Natur -en f.Natur -en m. -
7 nature
'nei ə1) (the physical world, eg trees, plants, animals, mountains, rivers etc, or the power which made them: the beauty of nature; the forces of nature; the study of nature.) naturaleza2) (the qualities born in a person; personality: She has a generous nature.) carácter3) (quality; what something is or consists of: What is the nature of your work?) naturaleza4) (a kind, type etc: bankers and other people of that nature.) tipo•- - natured- in the nature of
nature n1. naturaleza2. caráctertr['neɪʧəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (gen) naturaleza2 (character) carácter nombre masculino, forma de ser3 (type) índole nombre femenino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLby nature por naturalezato let nature take it's course dejar que la naturaleza siga su cursonature conservation conservación nombre femenino de la naturalezanature lover amante nombre masulino o femenino de la naturalezanature reserve reserva naturalnature study ciencias nombre femenino plural naturalessecond nature (habit) costumbre nombre femenino muy arraigada, hábito 2 (reflex action) acto reflejonature ['neɪʧər] n1) : naturaleza fthe laws of nature: las leyes de la naturaleza2) kind, sort: índole f, clase fthings of this nature: cosas de esta índole3) disposition: carácter m, natural m, naturaleza fit is his nature to be friendly: es de natural simpáticohuman nature: la naturaleza humanan.• clase s.f.• masa s.f.• metal s.m.• natural s.m.• naturaleza s.f.• temperamento s.m.• tipo s.m.'neɪtʃər, 'neɪtʃə(r)1) u (universe, way of things) naturaleza f2)a) u c ( of people) carácter m, natural mto be second nature (to somebody): it's second nature to me to put my seat belt on — ponerme el cinturón de seguridad es un acto reflejo or es algo que hago automáticamente
b) u (of things, concepts) naturaleza fthe nature of the material/problem — la naturaleza del material/problema
['neɪtʃǝ(r)]it's in the nature of things that... — es algo natural que...
1. N1) (=essential quality) [of things] naturaleza fthe nature and extent of the damage is still not known — aún se desconoce la naturaleza y el alcance de los daños
the project is experimental in nature — el proyecto es de carácter experimental•
we were unaware of the serious nature of his illness — ignorábamos que su enfermedad fuera tan grave•
the true nature of his intentions — sus verdaderas intencioneshuman 3.•
by its very nature — por su propia naturaleza2) (=character) [of person] carácter mshe trusted people, that was her nature — se fiaba de la gente, era así por naturaleza
to appeal to sb's better nature — apelar al buen corazón de algn•
to be cautious by nature — ser cauteloso por naturaleza•
she took all their teasing with good nature — aceptó todas sus burlas de buen gradosecond I, 1., 1)•
it is not in his nature to lie — mentir no es propio de él3) (=kind, type)documents of a technical nature — documentos mpl de carácter técnico
nature of contents — (Comm) descripción f del contenido
4) (=natural life, environment) naturaleza f•
it's against nature — es antinatural, es contrario a la naturaleza•
the beauties of nature — las maravillas de la naturaleza•
to draw/paint from nature — dibujar/pintar del natural•
the laws of nature — las leyes de la naturalezacall 1., 4), freak, mother•
fever is nature's way of fighting infection — la fiebre es el mecanismo natural para combatir la infección2.CPDnature conservation N — protección f de la naturaleza
nature cure N — curación f natural
nature lover N — amante mf de la naturaleza
nature reserve N — reserva f natural
nature study N — estudio m de la historia natural, historia f natural
nature trail N — ruta f para el estudio de la naturaleza
* * *['neɪtʃər, 'neɪtʃə(r)]1) u (universe, way of things) naturaleza f2)a) u c ( of people) carácter m, natural mto be second nature (to somebody): it's second nature to me to put my seat belt on — ponerme el cinturón de seguridad es un acto reflejo or es algo que hago automáticamente
b) u (of things, concepts) naturaleza fthe nature of the material/problem — la naturaleza del material/problema
it's in the nature of things that... — es algo natural que...
8 nature
['neɪtʃə(r)](also: Nature) nnatura f, przyroda f; (kind, sort) natura f; ( character) ( of thing) istota f, właściwość f; ( of person) usposobienie nt, natura f* * *['nei ə]1) (the physical world, eg trees, plants, animals, mountains, rivers etc, or the power which made them: the beauty of nature; the forces of nature; the study of nature.) przyroda, natura2) (the qualities born in a person; personality: She has a generous nature.) natura3) (quality; what something is or consists of: What is the nature of your work?) istota4) (a kind, type etc: bankers and other people of that nature.) typ•- - natured- in the nature of -
9 nature
nature [natyʀ]1. feminine nounb. ( = caractère) nature• quelle petite nature tu fais ! what a weakling you are!c. ( = sorte) kind• il y a un problème -- de quelle nature ? there's a problem -- what kind of problem?2. invariable adjectivea. ( = sans adjonction) [café] black ; [eau, crêpe, omelette] plain ; [thé] without milk ; [yaourt] natural ; [salade] without dressing3. compounds* * *natyʀ
adjectif invariable1) ( sans additif) [yaourt, fromage blanc] natural; [omelette] plain; [thé] black2) (colloq) ( spontané) [personne] natural
1) ( forces nous gouvernant) nature2) ( environnement) naturelâcher quelqu'un dans la nature — ( en pleine campagne) to leave somebody in the middle of nowhere; fig to let somebody loose
3) ( caractère) natureil est anxieux de nature, il est d'une nature anxieuse — he's nervous by nature
avoir une nature fragile/robuste — to have a delicate/strong constitution
4) ( réalité)plus petit/plus vrai que nature — smaller/more real than life
5) ( objets réels)en nature — [payer] in kind
•Phrasal Verbs:••partir or disparaître dans la nature — (colloq) to vanish into thin air
* * *natyʀ1. nf3) (= caractère) natureCela n'est pas dans sa nature de critiquer. — It isn't in his nature to make criticisms.
4) (= sorte) nature2. adj1) (sans sucre, non aromatisé) (yaourt) plain2) (café, thé) (= sans lait) black3) (= sans sucre) without sugar4) (personne) natural* * *A adj inv1 ( sans additif) [yaourt, fromage blanc] natural; [omelette] plain; [thé] black; à consommer avec du sucre ou nature to be eaten with sugar or on its own;2 ○( spontané) [personne] natural.B nf1 ( forces nous gouvernant) nature; laisser faire la nature to let nature take its course; les lois de la nature the laws of nature; la nature fait bien les choses the ways of nature are wonderful; le pauvre n'a pas été aidé par la nature nature didn't do the poor man any favoursGB; contre nature against nature;2 ( environnement) nature; une merveille de la nature a wonder of nature; les couleurs que l'on trouve dans la nature the coloursGB that are found in nature; vivre au contact de la nature to live close to nature; protection or défense de la nature protection of the environment ou the natural world; une architecture bien intégrée à la nature architecture that fits in well with the natural environment; une nature hostile/sauvage a hostile/wild environment; en pleine nature in the heart of the countryside; lâcher qn dans la nature fig ( en pleine campagne) to leave sb in the middle of nowhere, to let sb loose;3 ( caractère) nature; une nature généreuse a generous nature; une nature impulsive/violente an impulsive/a violent nature; de nature à faire likely to do; une découverte de nature à révolutionner la technique a discovery likely to revolutionize the world of technology; des propositions de nature à rassurer proposals likely to reassure; la vraie nature de qn sb's true ou real nature; je n'y peux rien, c'est ma nature I can't do anything about it, that's just the way I am; il est anxieux de nature, il est d'une nature anxieuse he's nervous by nature, he's naturally nervous; ce n'est pas dans ma nature de m'énerver it's not in my nature to get angry; avoir une nature fragile/robuste to have a delicate/strong constitution; cela tient à la nature même du voyage this is due to the very nature of the trip; de même nature of the same nature; des offres de toute nature offers of all kinds; un déséquilibre de nature économique et démographique an imbalance of an economic and demographical nature;4 ( réalité) peindre d'après nature to paint from life; plus grand/plus petit/plus vrai que nature larger/smaller/more real than life;partir or disparaître dans la nature to vanish into thin air.[natyr] nom féminin1. [univers naturel]laisser faire ou agir la nature let nature take its course2. [campagne]la nature nature, the country, the countrysidedisparaître ou s'évanouir dans la nature to vanish into thin air3. [caractère] naturece n'est pas dans sa nature it's not like him, it's not in his naturec'est dans la nature des choses it's in the nature of things, that's the way the world isc'est une petite nature he's the feeble type ou a weaklingles raisonnements de cette nature this kind of argument, arguments of this kind6. ART————————[natyr] adjectif invariable2. (familier) [simple] naturalcontre nature locution adjectivaledes sentiments/penchants contre nature unnatural feelings/leaningsc'est contre nature it's not natural, it goes against nature————————de nature locution adjectivaleelle est anxieuse de nature she's the worrying kind ou anxious type————————de nature à locution conjonctivelikely ou liable toje ne suis pas de nature à me laisser faire I'm not the kind ou type of person you can push aroundde toute nature locution adjectivaleof all kinds ou types————————en nature locution adverbiale————————par nature locution adverbialeje suis conservateur par nature I'm naturally conservative, I'm conservative by nature -
10 nature
n. de natuur, het heelal[ neetsjə]1 wezen ⇒ natuur, karakter♦voorbeelden:by/from/in the (very) nature of the case/of things • uit de aard der zaaksomething of that nature • iets van dien aardher request was in/of the nature of a command • haar verzoek had meer weg van een bevel♦voorbeelden:against/contrary to nature • wonderbaarlijk; onnatuurlijk, tegennatuurlijkpaint from nature • schilderen naar de natuur -
11 nature
['neɪtʃə(r)] 1.1) (the natural world) natura f.contrary to nature, against nature — contro natura
to obey a call of nature — eufem. fare un bisognino
2) (character, temperament) natura f., indole f.3) (sort) natura f.her letter was something in the nature of a confession — la sua lettera fu una specie di confessione
"nature of contents" — "descrizione del contenuto"
4) (essential character) natura f.2.pleasant-natured — piacevole, gradevole
* * *['nei ə]1) (the physical world, eg trees, plants, animals, mountains, rivers etc, or the power which made them: the beauty of nature; the forces of nature; the study of nature.) natura2) (the qualities born in a person; personality: She has a generous nature.) natura3) (quality; what something is or consists of: What is the nature of your work?) natura4) (a kind, type etc: bankers and other people of that nature.) natura, tipo•- - natured- in the nature of* * *['neɪtʃə(r)] 1.1) (the natural world) natura f.contrary to nature, against nature — contro natura
to obey a call of nature — eufem. fare un bisognino
2) (character, temperament) natura f., indole f.3) (sort) natura f.her letter was something in the nature of a confession — la sua lettera fu una specie di confessione
"nature of contents" — "descrizione del contenuto"
4) (essential character) natura f.2.pleasant-natured — piacevole, gradevole
12 hold the mirror up to nature
правдиво отражать жизнь (об актёрской игре; в соврем. англ. языке тж. hold the mirror up to smth. правдиво изображать, отражать что-л.) [шекспировское выражение; см. цитату]Hamlet: "...suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature; for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as't were, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time, his form and pressure." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Hamlet’, act III, sc. 2) — Гамлет: "...сообразуйте действие с речью, речь с действием; причем особенно наблюдайте, чтобы не переступать простоты природы; ибо все, что так преувеличено, противно назначению лицедейства, чья цель, как прежде, так и теперь, была и есть - держать как бы зеркало перед природой: являть добродетели ее же черты, спеси - ее же облик, а всякому веку и сословию - его подобие и отпечаток." (перевод М. Лозинского)
In Washington he settled down long enough to write ‘Main Street’, and from its reception discovered that at thirty-five he held up to America what it took, or angrily refused to take, as a mirror to its nature. (C. Van Doren, ‘The American Novel’, Kenk) — В Вашингтоне Синклер Льюис прожил достаточно долгий срок, чтобы создать свой роман "Главная улица". По тому, как публика отнеслась к этому роману, он понял, что ему в тридцать пять лет удалось дать Америке то, что одни с восторгом приняли как зеркало американской жизни, другие же с негодованием отвергли.
In Sinclair Lewis, it was a mirror held up to a whole society. (R. E. Spiller, ‘Litetary History of the United States’, Kenk) — Синклер Льюис в своих произведениях, как в зеркале, отразил жизнь всего американского общества.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > hold the mirror up to nature
13 už od přírody
14 в силу самой своей природы
Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > в силу самой своей природы
15 antipolítico
Ex. Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.* * *Ex: Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.
16 apolítico
adj.apolitical, unpolitical.* * *► adjetivo1 apolitical* * *ADJ (=neutral) apolitical; [de interés general] non-political* * *- ca adjetivo apolitical* * *= apolitical.Ex. Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.* * *- ca adjetivo apolitical* * *= apolitical.Ex: Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.
* * *apolítico -caapolitical* * *
apolítico◊ -ca adjetivo
apolítico,-a adjetivo apolitical
' apolítico' also found in these entries:
* * *apolítico, -a adjapolitical* * *adj apolitical -
17 nada materialista
(adj.) = unworldlyEx. Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.* * *(adj.) = unworldlyEx: Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.
18 poco materialista
(adj.) = unworldlyEx. Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.* * *(adj.) = unworldlyEx: Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but anti-political.
19 по своей природе
•This situation is strongly contrasted with that in nuclear fission, which by its ( very) nature must produce...
•In that case you might better consider some of the newer controllers, which inherently possess a high degree of flexibility.
•Row by its nature cannot distort...
•Optical processors are inherently two-dimensional and parallel.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > по своей природе
20 tabiatıyla
"1. naturally. 2. by its very nature; by his very nature."
См. также в других словарях:
by its very nature — because of its natural habits, because it is that way A dog, by its very nature, is dependent on humans … English idioms
nature — [[t]ne͟ɪtʃə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ natures 1) N UNCOUNT Nature is all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people. → See also Mother Nature The most amazing… … English dictionary
nature — noun 1 the physical world; plants, animals, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ Mother ▪ Mother Nature s way of dealing with overpopulation VERB + NATURE ▪ commune with ▪ He believed in spending half an hour each day to relax and commune with … Collocations dictionary
nature — na|ture [ neıtʃər ] noun *** 1. ) uncount the physical world including all living things as well as the land and the oceans: an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature in Alaska Barone s interest was in nature, wildlife, and birds. a ) the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nature — na|ture W1S1 [ˈneıtʃə US tʃər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(plants/animals etc)¦ 2¦(somebody s character)¦ 3¦(qualities of something)¦ 4¦(type)¦ 5 in the nature of things 6 be in the nature of something 7 let nature take its course 8 back to nature ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date … Dictionary of contemporary English
nature */*/*/ — UK [ˈneɪtʃə(r)] / US [ˈneɪtʃər] noun Word forms nature : singular nature plural natures 1) a) [uncountable] the physical world including all living things as well as the land and the seas an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature in Alaska… … English dictionary
nature — noun 1 PLANTS/ANIMALS ETC also Nature (U) everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans, such as wild plants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather: We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature. | … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
very — ve|ry1 W1S1 [ˈveri] adv 1.) [+ adjective/adverb] used to emphasize an adjective, adverb, or phrase ▪ It feels very cold today. ▪ The fishing industry is very important to the area. ▪ The traffic s moving very slowly this morning. ▪ problems that… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Nature and Attributes of God — The Nature and Attributes of God † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Nature and Attributes of God I. As Known Through Natural Reason A. Infinity of God B. Unity or Unicity of God C. Simplicity of God D. Divine Personality… … Catholic encyclopedia
Nature (philosophy) — Nature is a concept with two major sets of inter related meanings, referring on the one hand to the things which are natural, or subject to the normal working of laws of nature , or on the other hand to the essential properties and causes of… … Wikipedia
nature, philosophy of — Introduction the discipline that investigates substantive issues regarding the actual features of nature as a reality. The discussion here is divided into two parts: the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of biology. In this… … Universalium